How to Apply

Tuscan Stucco Application Instructions

More info: View Alto photo gallery

Step 1: First Coat of Tuscan Stucco


Tuscan Stucco Finish

After priming the substrate with VariPrime™, apply the first coat of
Tuscan Stucco to an area of about 4 square feet.

Tuscan Stucco Finish

This first coat should be a thin, even coat. Apply using random, decorative trowel strokes.

Step 2: Texture Coat


Tuscan Stucco Finish

While the first coat is still wet, apply a texture coat of Tuscan Stucco.

Tuscan Stucco Finish

Finished texture coat.

Step 3: Colorwash


Tuscan Stucco Finish

Distress a sponge float by tearing the edges. This will prevent leaving linear float impressions during use.

Tuscan Stucco Finish

While texture coat is still wet, lightly mist VariStain™ onto the surface.

Tuscan Stucco Finish

Use the distressed float to press the VariStain™ into the finish and
remove any spots or drips.

Tuscan Stucco Finish

Finished Tuscan Stucco.